Certified Residential
Certified Commercial
NAMRI Member
What is the reason for a Mold Inspection ?
The purpose of a mold inspection is to provide the client with information regarding the condition of the systems and components of the home that could contribute to microbial growth as they existed at the time of the mold inspection.
The mold inspection report communicates the information to the client through a written summary that describes the conditions found that could likely contribute to water damage or microbial growth on the inspected structure. Additionally, the report may include the results of laboratory testing on suspected mold samples taken from the structure.
The scope of the inspection is a visual observation of the readily accessible areas of the building, its components, and its systems. These areas include the following: grounds, exterior, structure, plumbing, interior, HVAC, and sampling protocols.
The mold inspection is limited to the readily accessible and visible systems and components of the home. The inspector will not dismantle and/or move equipment, systems, furniture, appliances, floor coverings, finished or fastened surfaces or components, personal property or other items to conduct this inspection or otherwise to expose concealed or inaccessible conditions. The inspection will not include destructive testing of any kind
The written mold inspection report is not intended to be used as a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, that the items inspected are mold-free, or that concealed conditions conducive to mold do not or will not exist. Problems may exist even though signs of such may not be present during the inspection.
Mold Physical Testing Available
Mold Air Testing Available